Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Looking forward to next time

- by Robin M.

It has been over a week since returning from New Orleans, all last week I was reflecting on the trip, considering what to say in this summary. So much to say, but I’ll work at keeping it short.

Coming home I found many people excited about our trip and several want to come and help next time. I expect some of the excitement comes from hearing how rewarding the trip was and the anguish about wanting to do more, more people can get more done. I tell them “Just one more day, we would have finished the sheet rock, oh well”. My hope is that a crew came in behind us and finished the job, sheetrock and “mudded” our gaps. (Jim’s note below indicates that a crew did come behind us. Yeah!)

Overall I came home to a warm feeling inside, I did something, just a little something, much like the starfish story Ron talks about, and I want to do more and I will whenever I can. This mission left me with a great feeling of accomplishment, giving back to the human condition. I now know why many young people choose the Peace Corps straight out of college rather then jump right into the workforce.

IT FEELS GOOD TO HELP YOUR NEIGHBOR, “What so ever you do to the least of My people, you do unto Me.”

I want to finish this years mission by saying a big THANK YOU to Dick Brothers and to Jim Scott…Dick for thinking of asking me along and Jim for great leadership, organizationally and spiritually. Without the Spirit this trip would have been a lot less successful.

I look forward to next time.

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